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Breaking News,Iraqi Dr. Mala Ali Kurdistani has been diagnosed with cancer in Germany

Breaking News  Iraqi Dr. Mala Ali Kurdistani has been diagnosed with cancer in Germany Dr. Ali Mahmood Hasan  is known all over the world as Dr. Mala Ali Kurdistani Iraqi doctor Mala Ali Kurdistani has been diagnosed with cancer  in   Germany. Shortly after the Eid al-Fitr prayers, a doctor from Turkey flew to Germany, where he treated thousands of people. .Today's most breaking news is that famous Dr. Mala Ali Kurdi has been diagnosed with cancer which is called Seborrheic Keratosis Pilaris and Fungal Infection of the Mouth. The doctor said that he would recover from this disease within seven days. .He claims that the Holy Qur'an is the cure for all diseases. The Qur'an contains the cure for all diseases. While treating thousands of patients, Dr. Mala Ali Kurdistani suddenly contracted such a disease .

Breaking News: With people in Germany for the third time / Dr. Mala Ali Kurdistani

Breaking News "Dr. Mala Ali Kurdistani in Germany for the third  Time NOW doctor in Germany  In 2020, Shaykh Dr. Mala Ali Kurdi traveled to Germany with various countries in Europe. Go to Germany again from Turkey in May 2022. He is currently treating people there . He is treating different people in Germany through Al Quran. Such as blind dumb genes infected autism etc . Some videos of treatment in Germany have reached YouTube channel Link   us.https://youtu.be/eDrKjyxpNpc How to contact & get appointment? Contact us  Dr. Nasser Deutschland Dougland WhatsApp Nummer +49 177 6661991 Dr. Ali lautet 009647508310005. In der Türkei, Istanbul, Mobile WhatsApp. Dr. Mahmoud .. +905323907408 +905323997408.